The Clutter Fairy Weekly #124

The Work of Tidying: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 3

Marie Kondo made a huge impact on the organizing world with bestselling books, two Netflix series, and an unconventional approach to “tidying.” Her once-and-for-all method with its emphasis on handling categories in a prescribed order has made her a star—but it doesn’t seem to work for everyone. In episode #124 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, wraps up our examination of the work of Marie Kondo in conversation with audience members who’ve tried the KonMari Method.

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Weekly Tittle

The Weekly Tittle is an exercise designed to focus your attention on a specific space, aspect, or challenge of decluttering and organizing your home. We assign a new tittle in each webcast/podcast, then check on your progress the following week.

Playing Favorites

The overwhelming majority of audience members who reported trying the Marie Kondo method told us that they use it in combination with other organizing strategies and techniques. The assignment this week is to identify and apply your favorite technique from Marie Kondo or any other organizing expert:

  • Write down your favorite or most effective organizing strategy or technique.
  • Choose a project, category of stuff, or area of your home that’s been trying to get your attention.
  • Make a plan to get to work on the project or area you selected.
  • Schedule one or more appointments this week. Keep your focus on the strategy or technique you wrote down. Let us know how it goes!
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