What the heck is a tittle, anyway?

The Weekly Tittle is a recurring segment of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, our webcast and podcast. It’s a weekly exercise designed to focus your attention on a specific space, aspect, or challenge of decluttering and organizing your home. We assign a new tittle in each webcast/podcast, then check on your progress the following week.

Tittle is an old-fashioned word that means “a tiny amount or part of something.” But it has a second, even-more-obscure meaning. A tittle is the dot on the lowercase letter i or j. You’ll notice that in The Clutter Fairy logo, the dot on the i has been replaced with an asterisk. That asterisk was meant to signify the extra-special touch of The Clutter Fairy’s wand. In other words, the tittle has a secret Clutter Fairy meaning: Our hope is that the Weekly Tittle will be a small part of something that you can accomplish each week, energized by a touch of Clutter Fairy magic.

Big gold tittle